Djuna - A Little Bite From The DjunaSaurus
Acid techno-ish, first time I really tried something like that :) I think it worked out pretty well. Could use some work at mixing (as usual ^^), any tips are welcome. I wanted it to be a bit dirty, but without hurting your ears. Shoot!Suggestions
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Lapsus [be] - 15 years ago
AnnoM [be] - 15 years ago
and again some damn fine tweaked basslines! love the simplity of your track, without getting boring. reminds me very hard of hardfloor. the vocals bring me back to te 90's :)
you got a fine selection of excellent tracks now, start thinking about a liveset!
Djuna [be] - 15 years ago
jordandb [be] - 15 years ago
Djuna [be] - 15 years ago